Keep Going

This time last year was the beginning of the end of my marriage though I suppose if I was able to zoom out at the time, the beginning was much earlier; buried beneath debris that hid in plain sight but would have to be uncovered, pieces dusted off and broken like fragmented sentences that needed to be piece parted together to read coherently. Truths sometimes lie in cracks and crevices. Today we’re in collective disarray and I know there are still many with added turmoil that sometimes feels greater than this pandemic itself. And so I wanted to say to anyone in the struggle, keep going. I can still remember the heaviness of those days, the panic that landed me in my doctor’s office questioning the force of my beating heart that felt like it may push through the woven fabric of my clothing. My insides begging to be seen. My hurt, looking to escape. For some things in life, time is the only solution. No amount of searching or healing or mending could have happened in a single day. Today is as good of a day as any to recognize how far I’ve come. May this post be a token of hope to anyone that needs it. Keep going.

4 Responses

  • Thank you. Today is hard, and sad, and just feels too much. A close relative dying of Covid-19, our small business with unsure future, everything feels so fragile that it is hard to breathe. Thank you for the reminder that there is no other way out than through – some day, it will get better (or at least different).

  • Thank you so much. We are separating through this pandemic, it’s been coming for a while. We just finished building a house I’m unlikely able to afford on my own. I’m trying so hard to be the rock everyone needs. I couldn’t think of one friend to tell the truth to so even hearing your experience has helped so much. Thank you. I hope you & your kids can enjoy the sunshine in every day like I can see you endeavour too

    • Sharing has been the gift I didn’t anticipate receiving. Closed mouths don’t get fed. When we share our struggles, we learn we’re not struggling alone. Best of luck to you.


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