Day One.

It was day one, on my own, with the munchkins last Thursday and I survived. Sure, there was crayon coloring on sofa pillows, self-inflicted pen markings, more Yo Gabba Gabba watched than I care to admit, milk spilled on the floor, shit left in diapers longer than usual, nap time protests, a dog that survived without being fed til the afternoon, and an air conditioning that failed (it’s been 110 degrees in the Valley as of late)… But, we survived. Things I accomplished: We all ate, I showered, took out the trash, even made time to curl my eyelashes and slap on some lipstick (because lets face it, lipstick is where it’s at when you’re in a time crunch), and I got our AC fixed. So all in all, a successful day. You better bet I did a celebratory jig. There may have even been a throw back to 1992 when the running man was where it was at. My two cents to all those mamas awaiting their second addition: It is possible.

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5 Responses

  • BRAVOOOOOO!!!!!!! (although technically I guess it’s BRAVA!) You are a super hero. And don’t sweat that TV stuff. I am not as strict and crazy as some people. Of course it’s not great to sit in front of the TV for 6-8 hours a day, but honestly on a tough day (or a sick day…..) 2-3 hours ain’t gonna turn that sweet lil bebe into a problem. A little tip, (which you probably know already anyway!) whenever I had a day where we had a little more TV going on than I wanted, I tried to mix it up with “fun” shows (more lively stuff like Yo Gabba and Sesame Street) with more mellow “sweet” shows….Charlie & Lola is awesome and Wolfie STILL loves Peppa Pig (it’s British and the characters are all really charming and have adorable accents). I think Peppa Pig is on the same network as Yo Gabba!

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