22 Weeks

I was in a public restroom today and walked past a long mirror and did a double take. You know, that pass quickly, pause, lean your head back to take a second look cuz’ something doesn’t look quite right. It’s that belly of mine. It looked huge. I say that in past tense because I look at the photo above and think maybe it’s the angle that flatters me a little more than that complete side view. In any case, I stopped, I stared, I examined that low and round thing jetting out of me like a bullet waiting to explode out of my abdomen. And then I thought I’m only half way there? In case you’re wondering, I base my pregnancy on a 42 week gestation based on my first pregnancy which grew more and more emotionally grueling the longer I waited for something, anything, to happen. To alleviate that emotional turmoil, I now count on going past my due date. Back to that belly o’ mine, I mean that little bee only weighs a pound, why such a big fort for such a small villager?!
I had my first and hopefully last appointment with my back-up OB this week, Dr.C. While I’m incredibly grateful to be in the hands of someone who supports my decision to birth my baby at home, I miss the spirit and familiarity of Dr.Kline who some of you may know from my previous post passed away unexpectedly. Setting those emotions aside, I have complete confidence in my ability to deliver this baby at home. I know deep down I will not be needing Dr.C’s services anyway. But in any case, I met him, he supports me, I had an ultrasound, and left his office with a little secret. A secret only for a short while because I’ll be sharing my little secret here soon. Stay tuned!

1 Response

  • Eeee! Tell me your secret! 🙂 I’m excited! Lol. Yeah I’ve prolly gained ten pounds of boob weight! I’m not varying infants in my boobs am I? Lol


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