A Trinket, A Tasket

I love a good treasure hunt and I’ve gotten Willy hot on the trot as well. With my best treasure finding friend in Utah, it’s nice to have Willy as a partner. We went to nearly all of the thrift stores and consignment shops while in Big Bear and snooped our way around grandma’s cabin and here’s what we found:

I’ve been looking for the perfect globe for Hooper’s new room. I found this one for half off at a thrift store. Score!


A book about Elephants, for Hooper. 
A letter “H” bookend for none other than Hooper. Are you noticing a theme here?

A set of vintage sheets. I have visions of making this into a crib sheet, but if the baby’s a boy, then I figure the pillow cases are great anyway and I suppose I can use the sheet to make something else.
Vintage yellow lucite grapes. Classic.

These are just some of the fabulous records I found. A dollar a piece, you can’t beat it.

These little lion pillows were a cabin find. I placed several calls to my grandma for her permission to take these treasures home with me. They have been in the cabin as long as I can remember and I think they will look great on Hooper’s big boy bed. He was fond of them as well. So happy to have these.

This little book of things around the house. I’m smitten over these images and I love fabric books, I really do. Hooper can’t eat them and their washable. Seriously, why aren’t all chrildren’s books made of fabric?

Aw yes, something for mama. I love this vintage gold watch. I need to get a new battery and have some links removed, otherwise it’s golden.

Mushroom treasures for the kitchen.

This adorable honey jar. Right now it’s in the kitchen, but I thought it’d also look cute in the one of the kid’s room. Maybe as a bank or goody jar. Something about actually putting honey in it seems like a disaster to me. But it was too cute to pass up.

Vintage Mikasa plates to add to our growing ecclectic plate collection. Seriously, we need to stop. We have no more room for plates, no matter how cool they are.
Not pictured is a b-e-a-u-tiful mid century dresser we found and negotiated down for a very reasonable price. It’s sitting in the garage, awaiting it’s placement in Hooper’s new room. I’ll share pictures when that room is complete but until then, trust me that it was the best steal of this trip.

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