Meet Your Parents

Photos by the wonderful Viera Photographics
Dear Hooper & Van,
Your Papa and I almost died once. Okay, I’m being dramatic. But we did almost burn our home down and if it had burned down, we could have died.
It was the night of our wedding. And though we may tell you the story in the years to come, I’m sure we’ll leave out this small detail: We were drunk. Really drunk. And hungry. Really hungry.
If you don’t take any other lesson away from this story, take this advice: Eat at your wedding. We did not. And, because of this, we almost paid with our home.
You see, we were too busy at our wedding to eat. We drank, we talked with all our guests, we danced. But we never ate. So when we got home, we threw some chicken nuggets in the oven. Some time later, we were awoken by the smoke alarm. The house was filled with smoke and inside the oven were the crispiest nuggets you ever did see. I guess there’s more than one lesson… In addition to remembering to eat at your wedding, you should also not fall asleep while cooking, not cook while drinking, and not eat nuggets for dinner. Write those down in your life notebooks, would ya?
Oh ya, and install a fire alarm. They’re sure to wake your drunk ass up.
I love you,
Side note: Check back tomorrow for a special giveaway from etsy shop Moonbeatle!

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