5 Weeks

The other day we were playing in the front yard. Our neighbor was also outside with her young boy. The boys stared curiously at one another while the grown-ups made small talk. The small talk went something like this:
Neighbor: “My other son is 10 years old. I wish they were closer in age.”
Me: “Ya, it’s hard to return to the diaper stage once you’re so far beyond it”.
Neighbor: “Are you guys starting to think of having another one soon?”
Me: “Actually, I’m pregnant.”
I don’t know my neighbor’s name, hence me calling her “neighbor”. My mom doesn’t even know I’m pregnant yet. It seems like we need some elaborate-thought-out hoax to tell my parents. I guess that’s why it’s easier to tell complete strangers.
When did you spill the beans you were pregnant? Did you tell strangers or acquaintances before telling family?

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